Monday, June 14, 2010

I am a happy girl!!!!!

Dad bought me a powershot camera ytd!!!! Daddykins is the best!! Though I think it's my mum paying for it cos she promise me since last year. Anyway, thanks to both my parents!!! But I still want an Itouch!!! Or maybe macbook would be better still. Daddykins bought me canon powershot SX20. Shall update more about the camera later on or maybe sometime this week. I shall learn more about it for the time being. (I take very long to get on hand with cameras, pardon me!!)

On top of that, yesterday me and Nadia went to sent Glenn and Cass (drama club) off at Changi Airport!! Mr Tan treated us for coffee bean too!! So, after sending them we went to the MRT and they said there's no last train back to JooKoon and it was alrdy close to midnight!! Both of us had no money with us cos I used up my left over money from this week to treat Nadia dinner. So we just cab home while I called my dad and inform him. I really felt so guilty and bad for taking a cab home!!!!!!!!! The fare is freaking expensive because of the midnight charge!!! It sums up to $46.20 after I sent Nadia home and I got home too. WTH, I seriously first time sit a taxi that the fare sums up to almost $50!!!

Now with a camera, I think I will blog more and post more pictures!!! So do keep a update ok!!!! This is quite a lengthy post, so wordy!! Gonna post some pictures soon, maybe after I get back from my tuition. Oh, this week really suck for me. I have chinese tuition everyday and the timing is so weird please!!! It totally makes me can't go out cos it's from 1 to 3!!! (some time around there, I don't remember!!) Just can't think about how I am gonna survive later.

Be back soon. Off to watch my PS Man, bye!!!!

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