Introduing hunks!!! HEHEH. Only 2 groups today. The rest'll continue on when I have got the time. For now just enjoy!!! Beware.... MASSIVE PHOTO SPAMS!!!!!!
First up, 2PM!!!!!!!!!

JAYJAYJAY!!! (Laugh madly at this pic!!!)

What are you trying to do Junho??


Wooyoung ang ang!!!

(Always goofing around together!!)


don't know!

Gonna put it as my desktop picture.

Look at Junsu's abs!! He has been training uh!! (Group photo)


Aren't he just cute?!?!

OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!! (wink+smile+kiss = die for!!!!!!!!)
Moving on..

Group photo!!

Cute much?!?!

Sexy huh!! ( DBSK Micky look alike! What is your statement to it?)

JUNYOUNG!! ZE:A leader!

Him doing Bo Peep. HEHE.


Cute much?? MY DONGJUN!!!!!!!!!!

I want that ZEA necklace!!

Love him!!


Love his shoes and him!!!!!

Ha Min Woo and Moon Jun Young!!


MinWoo (I srly think my cuzzie looks like him!!!!!)

MinWoo and Heechul

Him posting with my favourite maggi mee!!!

Lastly, this photo makes me laugh like mad!!

Couldn't help but laugh at Onew.
I guess you people have fun looking at these pictures huh!!!! Aren't they just cute and handsome. Dying from their charms!!! Gonna work on part 2 soon or maybe later in the afternoon I redo this post, stay tune ok!!!!!!!!
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