Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lack of sleep.

I only had 2 hours of sleep!!!! I stayed awake on the bed till 4.40am, before I finally starts to doze off. I kept disturbing Nadia and I guess she was somehow pissed with my counting of 1 sheep, 2 sheeps, 3 sheeps... and so on. I kept repeating it in different languages. I seriously love the idea of staying overnight and I had my first virgin stay over, like finally. Cos my parents are rather strict with me staying over at friend's house after all I am still a girl. Yes, if only I am a boy!!!!

Hopefully my parents would allow me to send Glenn off to airport along with Nadia. *cross my finger* Off for a nap before I fetch my younger sister!!

PS. I changed the picture to Khunwoo!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT A LOT (((((:

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