Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I've neglected this space of mine for the past 2 weeks, I'm so sorry about it!! I've got tons of things to do and 24 hours a day was never enough for me at least for now! Now, I got to prioritise my time well and manage my time and each subject well~ cos prelims is around the corner, I can't afford to slack back.

I've got to rush through my art even if it means I had to sacrisfies my sleeping time and I seriously hope that the dateline will be push back, I really need a lot of time to complete it!!!!! ))): Staying back everyday just so that I am able to finish before the dateline. On top of these, I'm even postponing my tuition to saturday so I got time to do my art!!

So today was e-learning thus I need not go to school but still I woke up early to get my work done but till now, I still have got lit and physics assignments waiting for me! And art colour scheme~ I think I'm gonna die soon, eye bags gonna get darker and heavier and I'm freaking going to look damn shag everyday!!! Ok, I shall stop nagging and complaining everything here if not, this post will become an endless stream of words.

Lastly, to cheer my mood.....

2pm's kisses~
Nichkhun's (top 2!)
And this!
Look at his arm muscle.
And Dongjun's
Aren't he just a cutie.

PS. I promise more photos of them the next time

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