Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pictures up tomorrow after I'm back from my cousin's birthday celebration! (:

Do you guys know what kind of torture I have today?!?! Ohmo, feels like I'm almost dying from lost of too many brain cells and juices. Morning, school for Maths from 8AM - 10.25AM followed by Chemistry till 12.25PM. Trained to YT for lunch with family then went home for tuition from 2PM-5PM!!!!!! I think what I did today was more than enough!!! I want to lay flat on my bed and sleep through~

Did I mention I got a queen size bed! I'm so happy about it. Hahah, maybe I should spent my time to renovate my room after o's!!! This shall be added to my to-do list after o's!!!! (: Just a reminder for myself, today is 14th August, prelims is approximately 2 weeks or so from now and O's will be just about a month or so away~ I need to study now!!!!!! Start my mugging, start my brain and start to work hard.

Btw, anyone know what's the difference between lawyer and attorney?

PS. I'm gonna be a busy girl again tomorrow ):
PSPS. I got myself a NUM pencil box and I totally love the quality!!! But I feel like changing the colour, the colour now is like my blogskin colour or maybe dusty pink. But it's nice under strong lighting. Should I change????
PSPSPS. Watch WGM khuntoria tomorrow~ waiting!!!! (:

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